Todmorden Town Council Receives Banking Hub Assessment. Since the closure of the last high-street bank in Todmorden last September, the Town Council, along with other key stakeholders, have been working to bring banking back to the town. We requested this assessment...
Todmorden Town Council Notice of a Vacancy in the office of Parish Councillor Stansfield Ward Notice is hereby given pursuant to rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England & Wales) Rules 2006, that consequent upon the resignation of...
Todmorden Climate Assembly The Climate Emergency Committee recently hosted a Climate Assembly at the Tod Learning Centre and Community Hub, inviting groups from across Todmorden and beyond for an inspiring and enjoyable evening. An impressive 32 people attended the...
Todmorden Town Council invites and welcomes all residents to the Town Meeting which will take place on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at Todmorden Town Hall from 7.30pm-8.30pm. Whilst it is organised by the Town Council, it is not a council meeting, it is an open forum...
Having recently tendered out for the provision of Architectural Services to take forward the design of an extended Bowling Pavilion in Centre Vale Park, the Town Council is in the process of making grant applications to secure the shortfall in funding necessary to...
Todmorden Town Council is excited to announce the opening of nominations for its 2024 Service to Todmorden Awards. This award honours individuals and organisations that have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to the community of Todmorden. The awards...