Saturday, 16th October 2021

Todmorden Town Hall


Todmorden Town Council cordially invites members of the local community to be present at the 2021 Mayor’s Day celebrations.  If you would like to join the Mayor, Cllr Pat Taylor and past Mayors Cllr Ken White and Cllr Ruth Coleman–Taylor at drinks reception and lunch, there are a limited number of 20 places available on a first come first served basis.

Normally, Mayor’s Day or Mayor Making Day takes place in May after the new Town Mayor is named at our Annual Meeting.   The event welcomes the new Mayor and thanks the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress or Consort with the presentation of their Past Mayor’s Medal.

This year things are slightly different in that we are not only welcoming our new Mayor, Cllr Pat Taylor  we are also acknowledging  previous Mayors, Cllr Ruth Coleman-Taylor (2020-21) who did not have her own Mayor’s Day event in 2020 thanks to the pandemic and Cllr Ken White our Mayor for 2019-2020 who, again thanks to Covid-19, we could not thank for his time in office.

Guests at the event will enjoy a drinks reception followed by speeches and presentations and then lunch.  Other guests at the event include friends and family of the Mayor, local voluntary organisation representatives, neighbouring Mayor’s and Council Chairpersons and Councillors from Todmorden Town Council and Calderdale Council.

If  you would like to apply for public tickets you can do so now in writing or by email to:

Colin Hill, Town Clerk

Todmorden Town Council, Todmorden Community College, Burnley Road, Todmorden OL14 7BX


[email protected]

Each successful applicant will receive 2 tickets.

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