The week commencing 10 October 2022 will be a week of action in Todmorden.
Calderdale Council’s Upper Valley Coordinator with the support of local volunteers, voluntary and community organisations and other Calderdale Council departments has organised a week of activity which will sees gullies cleaned, paths cleared, locks tidied and litter picked.
For more information visit Todmorden Market on 12 October where there will be a stall of information.
Acitivites that volunteers can join include:
- Volunteer session to work on path clearance/general maintenance in Centre Vale Park, Thursday 13th October 10.30-12 organised by Friends of Centre Vale Park
- Volunteer session on towpath in Todmorden – Tuesday 11th October 9.30-12.30 vegetation management at Lock 18 (which is the one alongside Lever St car park) with the support of the Canal and River Trust & Todmorden Canal Action Group –
- Community litter pick in Cornholme, Friday 14th October 11am organised by Keep Tod Tidy –
- Incredible Edible – Volunteer session, Sunday 16th October
- Community Rights of Way Service – footpath maintenance – Monday 10th, Wednesday and Friday, their sessions will be focused in Todmorden