Welcome to the Todmorden Town Council Website

About Todmorden

Todmorden is a historic, vibrant market town of around 15,000 people in the Upper Calder Valley in Calderdale, West Yorkshire, England. It nestles in the confluence of three steep sided Pennine valleys and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. Although Todmorden is green and lush it is well-connected and is within easy reach of the major conurbations of Manchester and Leeds.

Todmorden is more than the sum of its individual parts. It is well known for its generous community spirit and tangible kindness. Walking or driving through the town you cannot miss the apparent kindness, not only in its people but you will also notice the many signs throughout the town overtly stating this locally cherished value. Todmorden is proud of its award winning indoor market and independent shops, the way it embraces diversity, individuality, creativity and the arts and its quirkiness and genuine friendliness.

Meetings Calendar

The dates of our all of our council meetings, along with convenient links to access minutes, reports, and agendas, can be found on our meetings calendar.

Neighbourhood Plan

The Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation period of public engagement ran from the 12 February 2024 – 25 March 2024 at 5pm, and has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part.

All duly made representations, along with the neighbourhood development plan and accompanying documents, will now be submitted to an independent Examiner who will assess whether the plan is in line with legislation and can therefore proceed to a public referendum.

You can stay up to date with the Plan’s progress on our website or you can follow us on social media (links in header) or sign up to receive email news and information using the form at the bottom of our home page.

Current Projects

Centre Vale Park Projects Website

Visit the website dedicated to the Town Deal Centre Vale Park Projects.  The site maintains an archive of past project progress and provides continuous updates on the status of each project.

Cost of Living Support

Are you worried about the rising cost of energy bills, food and transport? Do you need help finding work or housing? Visit our Help & Support page today.


With help from generous project partners, we have installed six new publicly accessible defibrillators across Todmorden.  Find out who helped us to achieve this and where these life saving devices are located.

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