What’s on in Todmorden

Todmorden has a rich arts and cultural scene and the town benefits greatly from the contribution of the artists, writers, musicians, actors and performers that live here as well as those who organise and promote arts and cultural events in the town.

An excellent resource for discovering What’s On in Todmorden is the Todmorden Information Centre (TIC).  The TIC  premises on Burnley Road opposite the Market are now open again so call in and see them. You can view their website using the link provided below.

Also below we provide links to some of the arts organisations active within Todmorden.   Keep an eye on their websites to stay up to date with their future plans and activities.

If you have a group that organises arts and cultural events and would like us to link to your website from this page please call us to discuss on 0770 632 2037.


The Todmorden Information Centre is the best resource for finding out what’s on in Todmorden and their website provides a comprehensive events listing alongside lots of other interesting and useful information.


A fabulous vibrant Choir based in Todmorden.  Always on the lookout for new choir members! Have you always wanted to be part of a choir but never had the nerve? Are you a closet bathroom singer?  Do you like Gospel, folk, pop, old Spiritual, and world music? Maybe you have always dreamed of having a gospel choir sing at your wedding or other special occasion?  Get in touch today.


Todmorden Book Festival, which was established in 2018, has a vibrant programme of reading, writing and book-related events that celebrate the written word and stimulate, inspire and challenge audiences. The Festival welcomes leading contemporary fiction authors, poets, non-fiction writers,
journalists, historians, storytellers and performers, and aims to reflect the rich industrial and cultural heritage of the region, exploring individual and collective stories and celebrating difference and diversity.


Todmorden Choral Society can trace it’s roots back to the beginning of the First World War and established as a Charity in 1938. Handel’s Messiah is a popular annual event and in recent years the Society has performed works as varied as Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Bach’s Magnificat, Faure’s Requiem,
Coleridge Taylor’s Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast, Brahms’ Requiem and Mozart’s Kyrie.


Todmorden Community Brass Band is active in supporting a variety of community- based activities throughout the year including the Christmas Lights Switch-On Event and the Christmas Eve Carol Sing-a-Long.  As a non competitive band they are not restricted to the standard brass band instrumentation of 25 players. They therefore actively encourage new members to join them and play in the position of their choice.


Todmorden Community Brass Band is active in supporting a variety of community- based activities throughout the year including the Christmas Lights Switch-On Event and the Christmas Eve Carol Sing-a-Long.  As a non competitive band they are not restricted to the standard brass band instrumentation of 25 players. They therefore actively encourage new members to join them and play in the position of their choice.


The Todmorden Hippodrome Theatre is a stunning 480 seat Edwardian Theatre located on Halifax Road. The Theatre is owned and run by the Todmorden Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (T.A.O.D.S.) one of the largest community run theatres in the UK.


The Todmorden Orchestra is a symphony orchestra, conducted by Nicholas Concannon Hodges and with players from Todmorden and beyond. The orchestra attracts a loyal following and performs with some of the UK’s most talented soloists, all in the incredible setting of Todmorden’s Grade I- listed Town Hall.

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