At its meeting on 17 February 2021, Todmorden Town Council wholeheartedly agreed to support the proposed new Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. If passed, this Bill will be good for the environment and people of the UK, including Todmorden.

If passed, this Bill will be the most important climate legislation in the UK. It aims to bind the government to a new set of rules concerning the environment. The Bill will help to manage the impact of human activity on the environment, creating a more sustainable and resilient economy, and enhancing well-being and quality of life. It will engage and empower citizens, local government and businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and create a positive legacy for future generations.

It will require politicians to make massive changes to combat the climate crisis in a short time span.  The Bill will introduce a series of measures that will fundamentally change the way government, businesses and individuals produce and consume products. The Bill will help consumers to make purchasing decisions that support the market for more sustainable products.

If passed, the bill will create, legally-binding environmental improvement targets. Also, a new independent Office for Environmental Protection will be established to scrutinise environmental policy and law, investigate complaints and take enforcement action against public authorities, if necessary, to uphold environmental standards.


More information on the Bill and the campaign to support it can be found on the CEE Bill Alliance website


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