Apply for Grant

Before applying for a grant, we strongly advise reading through our ‘Grants Policy’ (even if you’ve applied for a grant in the past), and our ‘Guidance to Grant Applicants’. Both these documents can be found on the tabs below.

If you have any questions prior to filling out an application, please just call or email us! We’re always on hand to give pre-application advice, we recommend getting in touch as far in advance of the grant deadline as you are able to, so we have time to help!


Click on the tabs below to find out more about our grants, to access our grant policy document, application form and feedback form.

If you have any questions please call us on 0770 632 2037 or email [email protected]

Our Grant Streams

We offer three distinct grant streams designed to support not-for-profit groups aiming to enhance the lives of Todmorden residents:

New Organisations Stream: Are you a budding organisation just starting out? Receive a one-off award of up to £500 to kickstart your initiatives. Perfect for those without a full year of operation or financial accounts.

Existing Organisations Stream: Established groups can apply for awards of up to £3,000, covering a percentage of total project costs. 

Climate Emergency Grants: Passionate about combating climate change? Secure funding of up to £1,250 for projects dedicated to addressing the climate emergency.

How & When to Apply for a Grant

Apply for any of our three grant streams using one convenient application form.  But before you begin, ensure you’re familiar with our Grants Policy, which details the terms and conditions of our grant scheme. Additionally, our Guidance to Grant Applicants document provides helpful insights to assist you in completing your application.

Stream 1 and 2 Applications:
Grant applications for Streams 1 and 2 are reviewed and decided upon by our Resources Committee. Each financial year includes four funding rounds.

Stream 3 Applications:
For Stream 3, dedicated to addressing the climate emergency, applications are reviewed and decided upon by our Climate Emergency Committee. Similarly, there are four funding rounds per financial year.

View 2024-2025 funding round dates and deadlines to plan your application accordingly.

Our Grant Feedback Requirements

Successful applicants must submit feedback on their grant within 3 months of completion of the funded project. This can be done using our feedback form which must be returned to us with supporting financial information to show that the grant you received has been spent in full. We expect to see receipts and invoices to show the grant was spent as you said it would be in your application.

We also request photographs and visual representations of your project, to help us better publicise the great work being done in our community.

The same feedback form can be used for all grant streams.

Note:  New grant applications will not be accepted from organisations who have not given us feedback on previous grants.

Maximum Grant Awards

Our maximum grant awards are as follows:

  • Stream 1 New Organisations – £500
  • Stream 2 Existing Organisations – £3,000
  • Stream 3 Climate Emergency Grants – £1,250

We do not offer 100% grants.  Grants are given as a percentage of total project costs and the percentage given varies depending on total project costs; please see our Grant Policy for exact values.

We will not normally accept applications that exceed the stated limits above.   If you are thinking of making an application that would exceed our limits, please contact us for a discussion prior to application  on 0770 632 2037.


Acknowledgements and Logo Use

We ask all recipients of our grants to acknowledge the funding from Todmorden Town Council by using our crest and logos on promotional materials, websites and further mediums.

If you are awarded a grant, you will receive this document along with our house logos, with guidance on how to use them correctly.

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