Invitation to Apply to be a Co-opted Councillor – Stoodley Ward

Stoodley Ward – Invitation to apply to be a Co-opted Councillor closing date for applications –  noon 7th October 2022

Would you like to help your local community by becoming a Town Councillor?

Do you have time to spare to attend meetings and help with the running of the Town Council?  If so, we would like to hear from you.

This is a voluntary role so you will not be paid, but there is lot of satisfaction to be gained from representing and helping local residents find solutions to local issues, wherever possible.

Todmorden Town Council is based at the Community College and hold Council meeting in the Town Hall. For information about what the Town Council does, please browse our website.

Following the advertising of a vacancy for Stoodley Ward on 19th August 2022 no registered elector(s) requested that an election be held and accordingly the vacancy is now to be filed by way of Co-option.

Being a Co-opted Member has the same obligations of an elected Councillor and their term of office would run until the next election in May 2023.

An application form is available from the Town Clerk (or downloadable from the web site).  You will need to complete and return this by noon on Friday 7th October 2022. All applications will be received in confidence.

Applicants meeting the requirements of the role will be invited to attend a meeting of the Town Council to be held on Wednesday 19th October 2022 commencing at 7.30pm, where they will have five minutes to outline why you feel you should be selected.

After applicants have presented to Town Council, Councillors will then follow a defined process for voting on who is then to take up the position as Co-opted Councillor for Stoodley Ward.


Whilst no specific qualification is required to be a Councillor, other than to be legally eligible and a desire to represent the interests of their community, a broad outline of the skills and experiences that would help to contribute are:-

  • Sound knowledge and understanding of local affairs and the local
  • Solid interest in local         
  • Ability and willingness to represent the Council and their
  • Good interpersonal
  • Ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing
  • Ability and willingness to work closely with other members and to maintain good working relationships with all members and
  • Good reading and analytic
  • Ability and willingness to work with the council’s partners (e.g. voluntary groups, other parish councils, principal authority, charities).
  • Experience of working with voluntary and or local community/interest
  • Ability and willingness to undertake relevant training
  • Ability and willingness to attend meetings of the Council (or the meetings of other local authorities and local bodies) in the evening and events in the evening   and at
  • Flexible and Enthusiastic

 Indeed, it is important that all sorts of people, often with a wide range of skills and experience serve as Councillors to give good representation of the community.

 This is open for all ages to apply, and we encourage the interest of younger persons looking to take perhaps their first steps into voluntary public service.

 Training for new councillors is available to help assist with understanding the responsibilities of the role.


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