Past Neighbourhood Plan Updates
Examiner Final Report
Following submission of the Town Councils responses to the Examiners draft report, the Examiner has issued the final report. Amendments to the draft plan have been made in line with the Examiners recommendations.
The final version of the plan will now be considered by the Town Council Development Committee on the 6th November 2024 and if in agreement, recommend to Full Council on the 20th November 2024 to formally approve and submit to Calderdale MBC to take forward to Referendum stage.
Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Clarification Letter and Todmorden Town Council Response
14th August 2024 – Following Regulation 16 consultation the draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the Examiner for approval.
The Examiner responded on 15 July 2024 seeking clarification to several issues surrounding policies. This was not unexpected and follows the normal process. Positive news is that the Examiner does not feel it is necessary to hold a public hearing as part of the examination process.
Read the clarification letter now.
Following receipt, the Development Committee considered a proposed response on the 7th August 2024 and the following response was approved.
Read the response from Todmorden Town Council to the Examiner now.
Next Steps
The Examiner will review the Town Council’s response and may either seek further clarification or formally respond to Calderdale MBC with suggestions for any changes that they feel may be appropriate. Calderdale MBC in turn will approach the Town Council to consider possible policy changes following which the Town Council will likely implement such changes with a final version of the Neighbourhood Plan prepared taking into account all of these comments. That final version will need to be approved by Todmorden Town Council and then submitted to Calderdale MBC, when it is anticipated that there will be concensus agreement to then seek a referendum on whether to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 16 Public Consultation
12th February 2023 – In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (‘the Regulations’). Calderdale Council is now required to publicise the proposed Todmorden neighbourhood development plan for public consultation.
Members of the public are invited to make representations.
The consultation runs for six weeks ending at 5.00pm on Monday 25 March 2024.
Comments received after this time may not be accepted.
The Neighbourhood Development Plan can be viewed on Calderdale Council’s Consultation Portal.
What happens next?
All duly made representations, along with the neighbourhood development plan and accompanying documents, will be submitted to an independent Examiner who will assess whether the plan is in line with legislation and can therefore proceed to a public referendum.
If you have any questions about the consultation, please contact the Spatial Planning team – [email protected] or via Customer First – 01422 288001.
Neighbourhood Development Plan to be Submitted to Calderdale MBC for Regulation 15 Consultation
17th January 2024 – Final amendments to the draft plan have been completed following a period of public consultation from 23rd Sept to Nov 2nd 2023. Todmorden Town Council considered final versions of the Plan, Design Handbook and Non-Designated Heritage Assets on the 17th January 2024. These were approved for formal submission to Calderdale MBC in order to progress the next stages towards the Neighbourhood Development Plan becoming part of the Development Plan (equivalent with the Local Plan) for the area.
The submission consists of:
- The Todmorden Neighbourhood Plan
- The Todmorden Design Handbook
- The Non- Designated Heritage Assets Register
- Statement of Consultation
- Basic Conditions Statement
- Strategic Environmental Assessment & Habitats Regulations Assessment Determination Statement
- Todmorden Housing Needs Assessment (supporting information only)
The next stages are:
If after all of the above stages have been completed, and the plan is regarded as suitable for adoption, the Public will then be asked to vote on whether to adopt or not, at a referendum to be convened by Calderdale MBC, where a simple majority vote will decide.
We will keep you posted on progress as it make its way through these final stages.
Update 06 February 2024: Calderdale MBC has considered the submitted documentation against the criteria set out in the relevant regulations, and is satisfied that it complies with the criteria.
The Decision Statement has been issued and it is likely that formal consultation by Calderdale MBC will commence on the 12th February. A copy of the documents will be made available in the Library for reference.