Todmorden Town Council’s Annual Meeting and Mayor Making was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday 17 May.
This very special event in the Town’s civic calendar followed a slightly different format this year to reflect the current cost of living crisis.
The Annual Meeting, which took place in the Council Chamber, saw the new Mayor, Councillor Tyler Hanley officially elected, alongside the new Deputy Mayor Councillor Susan Press.
Last year’s Mayor Councillor, Elizabeth Thorpe, her Consort Paul Thorpe, and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Tony Greenwood, were thanked for their service and Mayoral chains were exchanged.
During the Annual Meeting, the new Mayor presented two Service to Todmorden awards.
The first award for Individual Service to Todmorden went to the late David Payne for his outstanding service as a Scout Leader in Todmorden over 40 years.
Sadly, David passed away in April, but his daughter Rachel Mellish and two sons Jamie Payne and Paul Payne accepted their father’s award.
The Mayor read a moving citation about David, based on the words of members of the Calder Valley Explorer Scout Unit who nominated David for the award.
The full award citation for David has been published on the Todmorden Town Council website.
The second award was presented to an organisation. Disability Support Calderdale CIC was granted the award for the life-changing support and advocacy services they offer to residents of Todmorden with disabilities and long-term health conditions. In particular for their work assisting service users to claim benefits.
Over the last 5 years Disability Support Calderdale have helped to re-coup over £1.4 million of unclaimed benefits. Over half of that amount came to residents of Todmorden. The award was accepted on behalf of Disability Support Calderdale by David and Sara Naylor.
Joining the Mayor on the night was the new Mayoress, Anna Brannigan and the newly elected members of the Town Council. Following the 4 May election, thirteen councillors were re-elected, and five new Councillors were welcomed.
After the Annual Meeting and Mayor Making, invited guests joined the Mayor and Mayoress for a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour.
Guests included family and friends of the Mayor, Award winners and Simon Lord and Neil Perry, Trustees of local charity, EMpowered People, the Mayor’s Charity for the coming civic year.
The Mayor, Councillor Hanley, said “As mayor, I will do what I can to promote the best of our town. It is important to me that everyone who wants to be included can be, that opportunities for all are encouraged, and that the heritage and character of the town’s built and natural environments are always considered. Todmorden is a town unlike any other, possessing an independent spirit enriched by an openness to difference, and it is these characteristics that make it a genuine privilege to be mayor. I look forward to getting started.”
“I have chosen EMpowered People as my Mayoral Charity for the year. This is a fantastic local organisation that uses the power of cycling to improve the health and wellbeing of adults with disabilities, promote their potential and dispel public misconceptions about disability. I am immensely proud to be working alongside them this year to raise funds in support of the invaluable work they do”.
Simon Lord of EMpowered People said “This is a fantastic honour to be nominated to be the Mayor’s Charity for his civic year. We look forward to supporting the Mayor and help promote Inclusive Cycling for everyone and make Todmorden a beacon for All Abilities”
Read the Mayor’s Acceptance Speech