Town Council Neighbourhood Plan nearing completion
Todmorden Town Councill is moving forward with finalising its Neighbourhood Plan and is holding a series of Advisory Committee meetings in Todmorden Town Hall on Thursdays, starting at 7.30pm on the following dates 9, 16, 23 Feb, 2 and 9 March to look at the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, Design Guide and list of Non- Designated Heritage Assets.
All residents of Todmorden are welcome to attend. Following these meetings, two further “Open Days” will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday 15 July and Sunday 16 July, from 10 am to 3pm, to enable the public to view the proposed document. Any amends/suggestions will be considered ahead of Todmorden Town Council approving the documents to then enter a formal consultation period of 6 weeks. Once this has finished and any further comments considered, Todmorden Council will then submit these to Calderdale MBC, as the local Planning Authority, for their consideration.
The Neighbourhood Plan has been in progress since 2016 with progress halted once it became apparent that the Calderdale MBC Local Plan was not due to be finished until this year. The Neighbourhood Plan needs to supplement this , not go against any core policy within the Local Plan. The area was recently redesignated for these final stages to move forward.
Cllr Steve Martin, Chair of the Todmorden Town Council Development Committee responsible for overseeing progress on the Neighbourhood Plan said “The Neighbourhood Plan is an important land – use planning document that helps to shape and influence development locally. It was important that we take this forward once the new Local Plan is adopted (expected shortly ), in order to have the greatest impact . We welcome Todmorden residents to attend any of the Advisory Committee meetings and or Open Days as we consider the final documents ahead of formal submission”