Todmorden Town Council offices are temporarily closed until Government restrictions are relaxed.

Todmorden Town Council has delegated powers to a reduced size Emergency Committee consisting of five Councillors. This will enable us to continue a reduced democratic function, through a remote meeting once every four weeks, but where key decisions can still be made.

The Restriction on Public Meetings currently in force means, that at the moment we are unable to enable access to the Public.

The date and time of such meetings will be published on our web site. But restrictions, owing to our internet upload speed, which we cannot overcome from our current location, are preventing us from uploading all documents relating to any meeting.

However in the interests of transparency, if any Precept Payer wishes to have sight of reports, if they email Colin Hill , Town Clerk at [email protected] he will respond wherever possible.

It should be noted however that we are periodically experiencing difficulties in remotely accessing the information held on our network because of upload speeds.

For those voluntary groups normally seeking Grants at this time of the year, we are able to consider these as normal at each of the Emergency Committee meetings.

New grant forms and new criteria are now available on the website at

As with many concerns our office based team is all working from home and trying to pick up things as and when they can, but during this difficult time if you have any issues of urgent concern, that you think the Town Council can help with, contact your Town Councillor through the website contact form or email direct to [email protected].

The majority of front line urgent issues are normally the responsibility of Calderdale MBC but if unable to contact them, or wondering who to contact at Calderdale MBC, then email [email protected]. and we will try to facilitate contact on your behalf wherever we can.

Finally, in this most uncertain of time, Todmorden Town Council wishes everyone to be as safe as they can and above all else heed the guidelines issues by Government at all times.


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